What features you need in next generation Learning Management System
Posted by Shaveta on February 17, 2017

Learning Management Systems (LMS) have been ever evolving. Till date LMS was recognized as a platform for teachers and students to connect and exchange information among each other. Apart from this, various organizations are understanding the importance of continuous training and development of staff is an important part and that training is a vital contributor to organizational growth, hence they are also planning to invest in good LMS.
Since, CodeFire has been working on eLearning space and has developed multiple customized Learning solutions, based on that knowledge, I am going to list down some features that are must for your next generation LMS:
Organizes eLearning content in one location: Instead of having your eLearning content spread out over different hard drives and devices, one can store all eLearning materials in one location. This reduces the risk of losing important data and makes it easier to create eLearning course.
Provides unlimited and uniform access to eLearning materials: Users can access information from any location/browser/mobile devices. They have unlimited access to training materials such as audios, videos, pdf documents, blogs, forums.
Easily tracks learner progress and performance: LMSs allow the company or organization to easily generate training reports on an overall or user/student level basis. There are modules such as Course Management, training modules, library, survey, quiz, goal management which allows users/students to enhance their knowledge/skills
Cost Savings:Training and teaching via an LMS reduces employee travel, optimizes training expenditure and usage, and minimizes facilities and instructors to pay.
Along with the above mentioned functional features, some implementation related features that truly are needed for next gen learning system are:
1. Enterprise SaaS Application: Even if you plan to use your application only within your enterprise if you still try to build it as SaaS product you can easily have distinct features for different divisions of the company depending upon their learning needs.
2. Online Assessment: This is one of the important features which allows users and employers/tutors to assess the progress of the project. Module consist of questions and based on response application would suggest certain courses. Though it looks simple module but it involves complex algorithm where certain permutation and combinations are applied while suggesting courses, videos which can enhance the performance of users.
3. Course Management: Usually in most applications Admin has the option to create courses and add learning materials in form of videos, audio, pdf etc but there can be an option where tutors or employers can add their own courses.
4. Goal Management: It allows an individual to set certain goals which they can achieve over the certain period. For one goal, they can create sub tasks and set dates, application would track the goals achieved and mark complete accordingly. Apart from this there would be default goals set by admin or employers can set.
5. Tacking Dashboard: It offers compiled activity of any user... such as number of courses applied for or completed, in progress etc
6. Mobile Browser Compatibility: Users can browse and use application through Mobile Devices as well.
7. Technology: There are various software's available which can be customized and used but our experience in LMS domain made us realize, demand for customized LMS. So, we can offer solutions both ways.
Do let me know what you think about this. If you think any feature is missing which you found critical in your LMS implementation or want to understand how we implemented a particular feature in our implementation we will be glad to assist!